Thursday, March 22, 2012

22 MAR 2012 Workout

I missed morning PT today because I had to get my CAC card certs straightened out. So I went for a treadmill run at lunch. It called for a 20 minute run in the blue zone but I went for 30 minutes. I covered just over 3 miles and bunred about 550 calories. Then I did an ab workout, pulldowns, and dumbell rows. I hate dumbell rows - they just seem pointless to me. I only did about half, and skipped the biceps work because I was running out of time. I will do biceps tomorrow and probably a solid hour on the elliptical, between A.M. workout and lunch workout. I will do abs too, but I'm not sure what the next muscle group will be.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

20 March 2012 Workouts

I had multiple today; I started at the Bridgeton Gym with two Gymtechnik workouts:

Abs/light cardio:
I did 27 minutes on the elliptical burning over 400 calories.
2 sets of 20 situps
one set of ten oblique crunches
3 sets of 20 cable crunches at 45 lbs.

Dumbell bench press - 3 sets of 8 at 50 lbs (they don't have 55's)
dumbell incline press - 3 sets of 8 at 40 lbs
machine assisted dips (I moved 160 lbs per rep) 3 sets of 5, but I could do more weight or more reps
Tricep pressdowns (instead of lying tricep extensions - I hate those) 3 sets of 8 at 40 lbs.

At lunch I ran for 20 minutes. It was difficult to keep pace, maybe because I had worked out already. I only went 1.93 miles, and had to stop and walk for a few seconds during the second green segment. I did manage to burn 334 calories.

I measured myself at 18" neck and 41" waist. Todays weight was 236. Its better than my last measurement, 42" waist and 237. But for all the effort I've been putting forth it feels like I'm spinning my wheels. Maybe I'm just being impatient. But if I can keep my caloric intake low enough to lose 2 lbs per week, I should weigh in at 228 next drill weekend.

I've decided to take Stew Smith's advice on pushups and pullups too. I'm doing pushups everyday, although not the 200 he recommended. I'll have to make more of an effort to reach that daily goal. I'm also practicing pullups every other day. Today was one of those days but I truely couldn't fit it in time-wise, so I'll do it tomorrow morning for A.M. PT.

Monday, March 19, 2012

But other than that...

So despite my hatred of human hamster wheels, I have been working out pretty regularly.  I can't seem to bring my weight down from 237, but I am lifting weights three times per week, doing ab workouts at least twice a week, and running three times per week (which I think I will up to four). On weekdays that I don't run I've been doing 20 - 30 minutes of elliptical. It's burning a lot more calories and is a pretty easy workout to stick to; I don't seem to get bored so fast as on a FUCKING TREADMILL.

Not sure what the stats are right now... I'd have to look into Gymtechnik and Micoach. It's late, I'm tired, and I don't feel like doing it right now. But rest assured, I'm blazing a trail. I have noticed that the ab work is getting easier, and I've been adding reps. More on that when I'm not sleepy.

Fucking Treadmills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate treadmills. They are crap. I wholly prefer running outside or even on an indoor track. The last several treadmill runs I have had generally ended in one of two ways: I accidentally hit that retarted "STOP" button located RIGHT where my hand falls during my normal stride, interrupting my run and pissing me off to no end while I desperately try to restart the belt and get the speed back up; OR, the fuckin thing just dies completely, and tells me to refer to the owners manual. Fuck treadmills.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Back at it

Ive been running sporadically lately, but always inside on the treadmill and not out where I can track it via GPS. My run time has suffered in the last few months of limited activity, but I expect my V02 Max to increase soon since I quit smoking on Feb 28th.

Today I ran for 20 minutes. I was supposed to do two groups of four minute green zones, but I wanted to get to the mile and a half mark before 14:15.  So I ran up to 7.5 for a short spell until I made it (at 14:09), slowed down to a walk for about 2:30, then got to running at 6 again. I need to hit the greens at 7 to get there in time. Its hard right now but it'll get better.

Todays run totals:
Time - 22:15
Distance - 2.14 miles
Calories - 252

Working out will be easier since I am going to be at the NOSC every weekday. My lunch hour can be spent doing that, and I don't think they mind if I go a little over. I will be doing the MiCoach program, plus two gymtechnik workouts every day (at least one ab workout - Modays will have two ab workouts).

I start the Gymtechnik tomorrow. I was doing a shoulder/traps routine today but was interrupted by Davis telling me we had to clear the building. Thats what I get for waiting so long to start, I guess.

Im back on my multivitamins. The only step currently missing is the Myfitnesspal app - I need to get to using that but its hard with Jill's recipies. I have to figure out how to guestimate the calories in each meal.
Looking forward to tomorrows workout!